Like any organization, it takes a certain amount of funding to run P.E.T. P.A.L.S. As a non-profit organization we rely primarly on donations. In addition to simply donating money directly, there are some other ways you can contribute, as shown below.
Every little bit helps, so we truly thank you for anything you can give.
Opportunities to Help
(Donations are tax-deductible)
Donate Money
- Send a check to P.E.T. P.A.L.S., PO Box 373, Cedar Falls, IA 50613
or click the button below to donate online (PayPal accepts all major credit cards) -
- Contribute to the United Way
To donate via the United Way, just specify P.E.T. P.A.L.S. on the completed donation form. We are approved by the United Way to receive donations but we are not listed on the public list that they provide.
- Memorial Gifts
Our organization has been fortunate to receive various monetary gifts. Some have been simply to recognize the work we do in our community, but often it has been in memory of a loved one or family pet. We will acknowledge memorial donations in our newsletter. Memorial donations can be mailed to the donation address shown above.